FHLBank Indianapolis announces 2024 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Citizenship Award winner

last updated on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 in Federal Home Loan Bank Indianapolis

As part of Black History Month observances, FHLBank Indianapolis has named Sr. Software Developer Jenny Ferree as the Bank’s 2024 recipient of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Citizenship Award.

Since 2001, the Bank has honored one outstanding employee who best represents King’s ideals and commitment to community service. Nominated by their peers, award winners receive a plaque and a $1,500 donation to a charity of their choice.

FHLBank Indianapolis Software Developer Jenny Ferree with President and CEO Cindy Konich

Video: Click here to hear from Jenny Ferree and watch ceremony highlights.

As Ferree’s family and dozens of her colleagues looked on at the Bank’s Indianapolis headquarters, President and CEO Cindy Konich (above right) praised the 12-year Bank veteran for her selfless volunteerism inside and outside of the office.

“(Jenny’s) dedication to helping others and encouraging those around her to do what they can for their community really does truly emulate what the Dr. King devotion to service is all about,” Konich said.

For the past several years, Ferree has been active with the FHLBank Indy CARE team, which coordinates and sponsors the Bank’s external charitable activities like Habitat for Humanity builds, packing snacks for the homeless, and collecting candy for veterans, as well internal groups including the Love your Community volunteer group and Women’s Employee Resource group. Outside the office, she supports groups that benefit the homeless, has led scout troops for boys and girls, and has volunteered in local emergency response drills.

Ferree chose Hearts for the Homeless as her charity of choice to receive the Bank’s $1,500 donation. The group based in Lizton, Ind., is dedicated to providing lunches, snacks and toiletries to the homeless in the Indianapolis area, as well as lend a sympathetic ear and spiritual connections for those who need it.

Ferree discovered Hearts for the Homeless during the COVID-19 pandemic while looking for ways to give back. She started with small volunteer efforts, then broadened her efforts to include work colleagues. In 2023, she organized half a dozen staff events to benefit Hearts for the Homeless, including packing hundreds of sack lunches, making inspirational cards, and collecting personal hygiene items to distribute to the homeless.

“A lot of what we do gets posted online (by Hearts for the Homeless), so you actually can see and know what we are doing is making a difference,” Ferree said. “They do a wonderful outreach. Not only do they feed them, but they also treat them like people. It doesn’t matter what their backstory is. They want to make sure they know they are loved, and that someone appreciates them.”

Story by Scott Thien, Sr. Internal Communications Lead. For more information, contact the Corporate Communications department at corpcomm@fhlbi.com.

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