Leadership Team

Strong leadership and a focus on our housing finance mission are at the heart of FHLBank Indianapolis’ commitment to serving the liquidity needs of our members throughout Michigan and Indiana.

MaryBeth Wott

Senior Vice President - Community Investment and Strategic Planning Officer

MaryBeth Wott

MaryBeth Wott manages the community investment department, which is responsible for administering the affordable housing and community investment grant and lending programs, and works closely with the FHLBank Indianapolis Affordable Housing Advisory Council to develop the Implementation Plan and other policies to meet community economic development needs throughout Indiana and Michigan.

She also oversees the Collateral Operations function at the Bank. This team facilitates the pledging, updating and releasing of member/borrower loan collateral, including 1-4 family, multifamily, commercial real estate, home equity, farm real estate loans and small business loans. As Strategic Planning Officer, she oversees the Bank's Strategic Initiatives and Innovation team.

MaryBeth joined the FHLBank of Indianapolis in 1986, beginning her career as a bank examiner. She has also previously served the credit department as a credit analyst, advances manager and collateral manager.

A passionate advocate for emerging leaders, MaryBeth supports the United Way of Central Indiana Women United Steering Committee and chairs its Events Committee. She has held Board positions for several organizations working to end homelessness and currently serves on the Board for Heritage Place.

MaryBeth holds a bachelor's degree in management from Purdue University and an MBA from Butler University.